Writing Inspiration: Rain ♥

Have you ever woken up to the bright morning sun shining in your eyes coaxing you into waking up, but yet a sense of calm and the world not needing you at the moment washes over you and just makes you wanna stay put? That’s the calm I feel when it begins to rain.  When most people just become more tired and moody and I become more alive and full of creativity. From the first drop hitting the hard pavement to the last drop following all the others away with the wind, I am writing to my hearts content. Something about the way the rain keeps people inside makes me feel more solitary when I walk down the sidewalk hearing nothing but the rain, seeing nothing but the rain, and smelling nothing but the fresh rain. The fact that the rain keeps me in one place just makes me feel more at ease, like I’m not needed at the moment and can just be me for a little.

I don’t know if this makes sense to you, but I know one time or another a writer feels this way when something happens. Whether you find your inspiration on chilly morning walks, or you find it dancing in the rain. I think you should take advantage of this moments, because you’ll never know when they will come again.

-Lydia ♥

Writing Favorite: Scriptito ♥

Sorry for my lack of writing a post this week, but it’s because I had been spending so much time with my new obsession Scriptito. I’ve been wasting away hours of my life just writing, and writing, and writing, and writing in this program. Of course I’m a writer, so I write half the time anyways but what this program did was inspire me to want to write more.

Scriptito is a website I stumbled upon while wasting away my hours in the Google Chrome Web store. At first glance it looks like your average website to share documents through, but after deciding to give it a try I will never again go back to other writing and publishing sites. In previous posts I have written about sites like Figment.com which trust me that site is also worth your time, but what’s different about Scriptito is the privacy. Unlike sites like Figment you can choose the exact audience you wish to share your writings with. Once you have finished writing in your latest “Project” you have the option of keeping it private, sharing it with select people, or sharing it with the world. Being as paranoid about sharing as I am, these options are awesome when I only want certain people reading my stories.

Another extremely useful feature is the folders in your “Projects”. The folders help you to organize information thats important to your project. The folders pre-set to appear in your project are things like Research, Characters, and Draft. You can also make your own folders to keep whatever you want in them. Personally, I love uploading all of the photos I collect to inspire that story and the graphics I make for the project in the “Research” folder. For someone who likes everything in one place this is the perfect online writing tool. You might be wondering what I mean when I say “Online writing tool”. Well pretty much the main feature of Scriptito is to write your documents in it (or just copy and paste them in).

All in all, this is an amazing website for writers and project managers alike who need a neat and easy to use work space. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to organize their writing projects, and get more inspired to write. I wish I could explain further how awesome I think Scriptito is, but it’s best you find out on your own 🙂

-Lydia ♥

Freebie Favorite: The Writer Magazine Open House ♥

So today I open my email and recieve quite the pleseant suprise. One of my favorite online resources for writing articles is having an open house this week. The Writer is a magazine for writers (obviously), but they also have an online database of cool stuff like columns, articles, and discussion boards. Alot of their articles are free to read but some are subscriber only. That’s why I got excited when I received this email in my inbox…

So if you like to learn how to improve your writing craft through articles this is the perfect time to read these! Some that look interesting include…






I hope you take the chance to get in on this little freebie 🙂

-Lydia ♥


Exciting News, Updates, And a Very Evil Tarp ♥

So I know I said I would be reviewing the newly released debut novel by Anna Banks Of Poseidon. But seeing as how I am now in crutches…writing the review was not top priority. PLUS, I have some VERY exciting news! I was selected from thousands of girls to be sent a proof copy of Of Poseidon and review it for a teen girls magazine. So there really is no point in my writing to reviews…I will post ASAP when the magazine puts my review up (it should be around June 5th from what I was told).

Now, your probably wondering why the heck I am in crutches now but wasn’t two days ago (Or I just want to think that you were wondering about it). Anyways, long story short the gym hates me.

You see the gym I was at has a HUGE turf field with racquetball and squash courts all the way down on one end. People on the turf field kept breaking the glass with soccer balls and what not, so they put up a HUGE tarp type thing like they have in their basketball courts to separate the two full courts…

(Shown above is gym basketball court with the evil tarp to prevent balls from reaching the other side)

So my friend and I are playing frisbee on the turf field and he suggests we race some. Of course I knew I was gonna win (and I was right) so I got a little cocky but whatever. We raced for about 10 or 15 minutes and then he was like, “OK last race, except let’s go from this wall to the tarp.” I was like YOUR ON! but if only I knew what would happen next. So, my mom says”go”, and we start running towards the tarp. When I reached the tarp I was really far ahead of my friend…but I also was going really fast. So of course I push my hands out and the tarp swings out really wide. As I would come to learn this evil tarp has an even more evil heavy metal bar which keeps it stable in one place. I’m sure one of Newton’s laws would pretty much explain what happened but I would rather lengthen my story more by telling you through my intelligent perspective…

I pushed the evil tarp. The evil tarp got angry at me. The evil tarp through a metal bar into my ankle. My friend laughed as I fell to the ground. I am still mentally killing him in my mind.

I hope you enjoyed my little story of how an evil tarp almost broke my ankle 😀

-Lydia ♥

Graphics Favorite: PicMonkey ♥

So as y’all may or may not know I love designing graphics and novel covers. Well I always have my favorites and today I am writing about my favorite image editing website, PicMonkey. Now, I will admit that PicMonkey is not my absolute favorite for image editing but ever since Picnik closed down their site I have been using this one. It serves all the purposes graphic artists need and it has some pretty cool features.

The first stop on our little tour of pic monkey is the place where you actually do the image editing. There are of course three sample images they give you to optionally edit, but I always use my own. When you go in to edit your picture it can be a little confusing as to where certain options are but once you get the hang of it you’ll like the program. The first screen you will come to once you choose the picture you want to edit will be one with your picture on the right and effects buttons on the left.

The above is what I will refer to as the “task bar” since I am too lazy to see if it has an actual name 😉 My two favorite and most used features on the site are the ones I circled above. The “Touch Up” feature is circled in red and the “Text” feature is obviously the one circled in blue. These are my two favorite features because, 1. They are easy to use, and 2. They are just plain awesome.

I like using the touch up feature when I want to do things with photos of myself. Say I wake up early in the morning and have a sudden urge to take a picture of my messy face (not likely). Well I would use the touch up feature to cover any acne, blotchiness, whiten my teeth, and take the bags out from under my eyes. You may be a little worried that all those tasks will be difficult for you but it’s so easy a monkey could do it (Maybe that’s why they call it PicMonkey?). A side comment on the acne coverup is that I don’t think their blemish fixer works THAT well so instead I use the wrinkle remover tool. It may sound weird but once you get the hang of it, it works like a charm.

The text feature is the one I use most when designing covers for my own pieces of writing or for people who request them via my figment page. Though the selection of fonts is very limited compared to Picnik, I still think they have a good variety for a majority of projects you might be handling with this program.

So…that was my little review on a very cool image editing website. I hope you all check out my little nerd heaven and I hope to see you soon!

-Lydia ♥